Nadrem Emporium i Abuja

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaNadrem Emporium


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3rd Avenue, Abuja, Abuja Municipal Area Council, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 806 374 0180
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Latitude: 9.1035216, Longitude: 7.4049521

kommentar 5

  • Chinemerem Azubuike

    Chinemerem Azubuike


    Nadrem Emporium, Gwarinpa, is currently closed! The building is under renovation. However you can search on the Google Maps and find other Locations; Nadrem Supermarket Kubuwa is equally amazing! #EverythingUnder1Roof

  • Great Ifeanyichukwu

    Great Ifeanyichukwu


    I love the 24hours service, the supermarket is amazing, you can get absolutely everything you want here, I enjoyed the cold drinks, the atmosphere is lite and refreshing.

  • Abdullahi Muhammed

    Abdullahi Muhammed


    The staff are friendly, the rooms are good. But they don't have Internet at the time of our visit even though the hotel is listed as having WiFi. No towels in the room, when getting drink in the bar they don't have glass. I eat few times in the restaurant but they don't even have paper towel for hands. If you can do without the above mentioned World class is OK place to be.

  • rotimi olawale

    rotimi olawale


    Although the recent renovations have improved the store, the store is still not well arranged. I however give kudos to the new plan of keeping it open 24hours

  • Adetola Adetayo

    Adetola Adetayo


    A very convenient supermarket in the commercial centre of Gwarimpa. You can find almost all you need for your family's grocery needs.

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