Bakan Gizo Pharmacy & Stores i Abuja

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaBakan Gizo Pharmacy & Stores



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House 20, 1st Avenue, Abuja, Abuja Municipal Area Council, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 807 709 8464
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Latitude: 9.0889206, Longitude: 7.4123871

kommentar 5

  • Queenesther Iwuoha

    Queenesther Iwuoha


    It's a well stocked supermarket, but I can't say same for the pharmacy section. Another bummer is that the shelves are in close proximity thereby rendering the Isles narrow, which makes it difficult to find thing especially if u are there for the first time.

  • Abubakar Dansakwa

    Abubakar Dansakwa


    A very nice supermarket. I love the fact that they run 24/7. I remember going into the supermarket for the first time, I saw cat fishes swimming in a glass. My mind was blown when I was told that I can pick one to be grilled (Fresh Catch). Minor improvements needed with customer services though.

  • nimi oye

    nimi oye


    The overall rating would have been better. You guys should be very careful in making recommendations on drugs especially when the attending pharmacist is not sure or experienced. Once I was sold a syrup that was already opened, another time given a drug that was not ideal for my condition. Please improve on the pharmacy.

  • tsboi Ng

    tsboi Ng


    A Lovely place to shop, with affordable prices.

  • Eniola kolade

    Eniola kolade


    Lovely place to be and it provides 24/7 service, With quick response.

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