H-Medix Pharmacy and Supermarket Gwarimpa i Abuja

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaH-Medix Pharmacy and Supermarket Gwarimpa



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Gwarinpa Estate, Abuja, Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234
internet side: h-medix.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 9.1022305, Longitude: 7.4057641

kommentar 5

  • Akachi Mbogu

    Akachi Mbogu


    I have had several bad experiences but today was the height. And the truth is that because they have a large clientele, they really don't care about the customer . From poor customer service from those at the counter to them making me pay for a broken item that fell off while I was picking another item . This broke cos they did not properly stack and arrange their items. After paying for the broken item, I noticed they sent their staff to start arranging the stacks on that teal. So so unfortunate . Never go there if you really want a good service .if you want loyalty, choose other stores




    It’s a place that serves me in many ways, haircut, water for dispensers located outside...awesome. The barbershop upstairs and the pharmacy and perfume shop on the first floor and a fruit nook at the left,makes it an all purpose place for ones needs. I mostly visit very early in the morning or late at night to avoid parking and traffic challenge.

  • Aliu Bisiriyu (AliuOFLagos)

    Aliu Bisiriyu (AliuOFLagos)


    I like the 24/7 service.

  • Yahaya Aliyu

    Yahaya Aliyu


    Simply superb. COVID-19 Complient

  • silas carter

    silas carter


    24 hours shopping in the midst if covid pandemic makes it awesome.

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