Dolly Hills Hotel i Onitsha

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NigeriaDolly Hills Hotel


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3 Dr. Lady Ngozi Agbasimalo Road 3, 3, Onitsha, Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 703 451 3661
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Latitude: 6.1824846, Longitude: 6.8014013

kommentar 5

  • Sunday Adewole

    Sunday Adewole


    Also it's very good in terms of accomodations.

  • Delta courie delvery Company

    Delta courie delvery Company


    Was cool, I actually like their service tho.

  • Egwuda Angelo's Tv

    Egwuda Angelo's Tv


    Dolly Hills Hotel, founded in 2010, is strategically located in Trans-Nkisi GRA of the commercial City of Onitsha, with the perfect blend of luxury and comfort well-suited to the needs of business and leisure travellers. It can be found at 3 Dr Lady Ngozi Agbasimale Road, Trans-Nkisi, Onitsha, Nigeria. The Dolly Hills Hotel offers a total in 60 rooms of various categories. The Studio room, Deluxe room, Executive room, Premium and Premium Double, Dolly Suite, and Presidential Suites are all available. These rooms and suites have full air conditioning, a king-size bed, a TV, a refrigerator, wall art decor, a work table and chair, a telephone, and an en-suite bathroom. Dolly Hills Hotel has a variety of amenities to ensure your comfort. There's also free Wi-Fi, a pool, a fitness center/gym, and a tennis court. Guests can relax in the swimming pool or work out at the gym under the guidance of a professional coach, or they can play tennis on the tennis court. The on-site restaurant serves African, Chinese, Italian, Indian, and Continental cuisine prepared by experienced chefs, and the well-stocked bar serves a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Guests will also enjoy a wide variety of snacks at the Grill House and Pastry Shop. There is a large parking lot open, and security is tight. Laundry/dry cleaning, car rental, ironing, room service, concierge, and access to a conference center are all available to guests for a fee. Place is very cool, nice access road, cool parking space, cool environment

  • Stanley Ezidiegwu

    Stanley Ezidiegwu


    Its an old hotel but they do their best to continue maintenance of the facility. I would recommend it as it doesn't have any match in its vicinity

  • chidike adione

    chidike adione


    It was awesome

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