Hotel Cabana Asaba i Asaba

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaHotel Cabana Asaba


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Okpanam Road, Asaba, Oshimili North, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 803 742 3092
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.218859, Longitude: 6.683576

kommentar 5

  • Chiamaka Nwobi

    Chiamaka Nwobi


    It's ok...quiet and condusive environment

  • otuya Ikechukwu bright

    otuya Ikechukwu bright


    Logged in this hotel. Their services are ok & suits very comfortable.

  • Chiamaka Ohia

    Chiamaka Ohia


    They could do with some renovations, just seemed like those hotels that like eye service, beautiful front and the inside a little bit unkept, I loved the paintings on the wall in the restaurant, the lobby looked okay. The peppered chicken had too much oil. Rated 3 star cause their is a lot that could be done. Their is water and soap to wash hand in front but nobody places for enforcement to make sure people do and the no face mask no entry if their was a notice I didn't see it.

  • Akposionu Kenneth

    Akposionu Kenneth


    Good service, good power supply and honest staff.

  • Benjamin Yugo

    Benjamin Yugo


    Nice Hotel. Serene and reserved environment. Spacious parking lot. Poor room service.

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