Hotel Benizia Limited i Asaba

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaHotel Benizia Limited


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1-4 Kinsley Emu Street, Behind fine homes, Off Summit Road 320231, Asaba, Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 813 406 2487
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.2059485, Longitude: 6.6968453

kommentar 5

  • Emmanuel Ozor

    Emmanuel Ozor


    It was a nice hotel, there's always electricity light light from 8am-6pm, for one visited I visited the hotel, though I didn't lodge in the hotel!

  • Mitchelle belle

    Mitchelle belle


    Like the service, need to put the wifi password and menu in the room, rather I had a nice stay, thank you.

  • Chukwuemeka Attoh

    Chukwuemeka Attoh


    Despite that the hotel is more then 10 years old, the structures and facilities are still in tact and services okay.

  • Fregene Jerry

    Fregene Jerry


    The room 315 has no fridge, a screaming air conditioner, I'm living with cockroaches. I expected better.

  • Chibuzo Ekwue

    Chibuzo Ekwue


    They have halls for you to host your weddings reception meetings etc. Its located in a quiet place and the area has a good night life

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