Pathfield Mall, Gwarimpa, Abuja i Abuja

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NigeriaPathfield Mall, Gwarimpa, Abuja



🕗 åbningstider

4th Avenue, Abuja, Municipal Area Coun, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 814 791 0937
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 9.1176009, Longitude: 7.4054898

kommentar 5

  • Donald udofia

    Donald udofia


    The business environment in Gwarinpa and abuja

  • Chyd James

    Chyd James


    Nice ambience... Mr. K office was on point

  • Benjamin Abhay

    Benjamin Abhay


    It's a new fresh and well organised shopping mall. It has spacious office space as well as shops. The parking lot is large enough, and the staffs are well trained. I remember walking in and the security had to walk all the way to show me where am going. Plus the mall has a very neat public 🚽. It's just superb.

  • Mr. Lens Godson

    Mr. Lens Godson


    This is the first shopping mall you meet on entry into Gwarimpa from the express way. Is has a variety of shops; a number of boutiques, computer accessories and training centre, DSTV subscription shop, Thermocool shop, beauty salon and a number of other small businesses. The parking space here makes a lot if sense.

  • SLA KE

    SLA KE


    One of the numerous malls in gwarimpa. Well managed. General goods available. You can pay your Dstv and go tv bills

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