I.C World Emporia Centre i Abuja

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaI.C World Emporia Centre



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Ishaya Shekari Crescent, 900108, Abuja, Municipal Area Coun, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 809 425 1102
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Latitude: 9.110675, Longitude: 7.421907

kommentar 5

  • Jones Parapaso

    Jones Parapaso


    Despite being new in the territory, they make one of the best pastries around the neighbourhood and they are well stocked with affordable products for your essential needs in their supermarket, they also have a pharmacy just by the right side when you enter the building. It's a one stop shop for the most you need.

  • Tim Dabak

    Tim Dabak


    The building houses several functions. A supermarket, pharmacy, salon, photo studio, fast food shops, etc. and their bread is pretty good. Parking is organised. Prices are reasonable.

  • debbie oyenusi

    debbie oyenusi


    One stop shop for your essentials and cool shopping experience always. Warm folks at the counter too.

  • Ruxton Adebiyi

    Ruxton Adebiyi


    This is a multi-purpose shopping centre that is sure to earn your visit. It houses a bakery, pharmacy, perfume shop, ice-cream spot among other day-to-day items. It is especially customer-friendly because of its long opening hours, and speedy payment services. It is indeed an oasis in a residential area. I recommend.

  • Rufai Kadri

    Rufai Kadri


    IC World Emporia is a new outlet with satisfactory shopping experience. From cultured and well mannered personel at the entrance, to the various departments there in. Pharmacy where you are sure to meet a Pharmacist...and the bakery of course, scintillating and mouth watering products available. You are sure to like a visit here

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