Healthnhealthy Specialty Bakery & Cafe i Abuja

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaHealthnhealthy Specialty Bakery & Cafe



🕗 åbningstider

72, 1st Avenue, Abuja, Abuja Municipal Area Council, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 808 972 6031
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Latitude: 9.1156462, Longitude: 7.4098136

kommentar 5

  • Natasha Aduloju-Ajijola

    Natasha Aduloju-Ajijola


    I love this bakery! Everything I get from the smoothies, to rice and sauce, to baked goods are amazing. Their cakes and cupcakes are unparalleled goodness, their brownies make me swoon, and these new scones? Utter gloriousness. I first came for the banana bread, I keep coming back (weekly) for everything else. I can’t say enough great things about their food, but you definitely have to try it for yourself to truly understand my experience :).

  • Chy Mma

    Chy Mma


    Would give 6 stars if you share the secret of your keto cookies with me. I love the sugar feel and promise to use only for personal baking

  • Collins Leo

    Collins Leo


    A variety of fresh, healthy and tasty foods in a clean environment 💯

  • Chidiebere Uhegbu

    Chidiebere Uhegbu


    A very good place to get carrot cake in Abuja. I recommend this place.

  • ogochukwu anowa

    ogochukwu anowa


    The cafe is cosy and service is timely . Has a feel of where someone can come read a book for a few hours or do light work on your computer.

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