Pastry Basket i Abuja

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NigeriaPastry Basket



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Kado, Abuja, Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 903 084 3327
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Latitude: 9.0795711, Longitude: 7.4161604

kommentar 5

  • Yene K

    Yene K


    Lovely café with elegant simplicity, just right for food, conversations, or a quiet sit-out to read or work. Absolutely loved it! It was an accidental find for me, tucked away on a side-street in Kado estate, quite easy to locate. The decor is warm, modern, and done with excellent taste: the owner must be a lover of nature and fine things, and it shows! The staff here are eager to please, probably because the foot traffic here is slow.. I found them overtly courteous and welcoming. The service was swift, and food was served piping hot. I had really creamy chicken soup with breadrolls, and a delightful tuna melt panini. The portions were good, satisfying without being overwhelming. I chose to take some of my food away, and it tasted just as lovely after six hours, as it did while I was in the café. The pricing was fair: N1800 for the panini, and N2000 for creamy chicken soup with rolls. Altogether I paid N3900, inclusive of N100 for having my meal packed to go away with. I spent three hours working on my laptop here, and felt no displeasure; the staff were nice to me, and did not hint that I had to leave quickly (an experience I have had in some food outlets). The ambience was delightful, and my creative juices flowed freely. Totally recommend! Pastry basket is a well-kept secret 😊✨

  • Valerie Enekwe

    Valerie Enekwe


    I LOVE the space! So detailed and the food is very affordable too! You guys should check it out

  • Maryam Feekah

    Maryam Feekah


    Lovely coffee shop

  • ahmed shittu

    ahmed shittu


    Excellent customer service. The staffs are vere professional in there conduct

  • M A

    M A


    Delicious shawarma and lovely pastries - oven hot. Nice ambiance and great staff.

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