Fresh Dew Catering And Pasteries i Abuja

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NigeriaFresh Dew Catering And Pasteries



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Bala Sokoto Way, Abuja, Abuja Municipal Area Council, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 803 302 3175
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Latitude: 9.0771625, Longitude: 7.4253922

kommentar 5

  • Kelvin Azino

    Kelvin Azino


    It's a nice place nd their food taste delicious 😋😋

  • Muhammad Sadiq

    Muhammad Sadiq


    A scenic view restaurant with delicious dishes and cocktails. You can eat, relaxes, refresh and same time viewing the scenic Jabi lake water, and boat moving around. You can also sight seeing the lake's beautiful birds flying around. In fact, its a lovely place to have your meal.

  • sammy brown romeo

    sammy brown romeo


    I just love it's serenity and the tasty meals they serve. Customer reception is quite impressing. I'd recomend this place to anyone looking out for a good place to celebrate an event..

  • Lola Adebiyi

    Lola Adebiyi


    There were the only place here this morning opened by 9:30 am serving tea/coffee and light pastries. For that alone they deserve my star. The food wasn't bad.... Just alright. My friend with me says his meal consisting of ofada, smoked fish and moimoi was great so thats good to know. I on the other had tea and meat pie. They also have pretty nice view by the lake The menu list was quite impressive. Every basic meal you could think of was available and the waiter was friendly and smiled all through.

  • Sadoh Derrick

    Sadoh Derrick


    Selected Liquor selection. What is on the menu doesn't reflect what is obtainable. Lovely view of the Lake. Lovely shade and setup.Quiet pricey

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