Flawless Skin by Abby Medspa i Abuja

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NigeriaFlawless Skin by Abby Medspa



🕗 åbningstider

8, Nairobi Street, 900288, Abuja, Municipal Area Coun, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 817 491 3220
internet side: www.flawlessskinbyabby.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 9.0761988, Longitude: 7.4660023

kommentar 5

  • Awele Uwagwu

    Awele Uwagwu


    Awesome service and friendly staff. They know what they're doing.

  • en

    Abbey Bakare


    Flawless skin by Abby Medspa is result driven and is the to go place for all skin concerns, aesthetic cosmetic procedures, Botox, dermal filler, Kybella and other many more. For Everyone wanting a flawless complexion and that fountain of youth, flawless skin is definitely the place to go.

  • en

    Chinwe Anya


    Abby med spa is an amazing place to visit. The staffers are great and I absolutely love their services. Looking forward to my next visit.

  • en

    Tosin Bolawa


    I literally had a swell time, the experience was relaxing. Nice place to be, with well cultured staffs 💯 definitely gonna be there again.

  • er shendam

    er shendam


    1st of all I chose this spa because of their website. It had this help/question chat section that prompts up when you visit the site. The response was quick and quite helpful. However I didn’t like that their prices weren’t stated on the site, but I guess they made up for it with the chat section, I was able to get the price estimate of the service I wanted prior to my visit there. Finally the experience was really amazing I enjoyed ever bit of it plus the staff were friendly and courteous. I will definitely be visiting again.

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