The Dome i Abuja

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NigeriaThe Dome



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Plot 423, Adekunle Fajuyi Way, Abuja, Abuja Municipal Area Council, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 9 290 7084
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.0454688, Longitude: 7.4642384

kommentar 5

  • Erhimesioja



    It's a really cool location. There are several businesses there from hotel to gymnasium. The bowling alley wasn't all that impressive for me. From the extremely loud music to late table service, I wasn't impressed at all. Ended up going elsewhere to sport. It's overall a lovely view. I haven't tried any of the dishes so can't say much. You also get socks and some cool shoes as usual, when you want to bowl. Shoes must be returned though, of course.

  • Joyviva Nation

    Joyviva Nation


    A fantastic place for a good time out. They’ve got all in their facility from indoors gaming center that’s got the bowling arena, pool and lots more to the outdoor arena, which has the swimming pool, sit outs and other beautiful sceneries. The food is fantastic. Staffs are warm, friendly, bright and helpful. The gym is state of the art and the spa is quite lovely. A family oriented place. If you’re new in Abuja or have been here, but have never been here, I suggest you visit. You’d be glad you did.

  • Imade Tweets

    Imade Tweets


    Amazing place. Went to bowl with my sister, it was nice. Their cocktails are also really nice and their staff are very welcoming. Great place!

  • Nike Bamisaye

    Nike Bamisaye


    We went there for bowling and had an amazing time.

  • Dayan Ben

    Dayan Ben


    I ordered shawarma and Sex on the beach. Such a beautiful place, you can never get tired of it.

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Rv park, camping

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