Tiff's & Mich's i Lagos

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaTiff's & Mich's



🕗 åbningstider

17 Ayodele Okeowo Street Gbagada, Araromi 100235, Lagos, Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 909 048 4424
internet side: www.tiffsandmichs.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 6.554643, Longitude: 3.387439

kommentar 5

  • Lerato Lekena-Okoro

    Lerato Lekena-Okoro


    Was really impressed to see what was inside as I never really paid attention. All four aspects of the Superstore are well equipped 1. The pharmacy has a seemingly expert pharmacist on hand to help with light diagnosis, prescriptions and drug planning. She is attentive but firm on insisting what's right to be done 2. The cosmetics section has a range of beauty products for different groups to choose from. It's located at tthe far end and beside the pharmacy 3. The supermart is neatly arranged in categories with each part easy to reach. You can get prices of any products not tagged from the till/pay point. All these sections are on the ground floor with the supermart up front 4. The fashion - clothes and shoes section is on the first floor and there are different Brands inclusive there. All prices are relative and affordable




    It's a very nice place to do your shopping business. It also has a pharmacy inside the premises. It has lots of household items in stock at reasonable prices.

  • Christopher Onovae

    Christopher Onovae


    They've got designers stuffs at a reason price compared to the island. And their stuffs are original. Customer service was great.

  • en

    Metal Base


    Fashion + Pharmacy + Perfumes & Fragrances + Beauty Care + many more. One stop shop in Gbagada, Lagos

  • en

    Omolola Jaiyeola


    A good place to shop for your fashion wears, although they can be pricey.

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