Stanbic IBTC Bank i Abuja

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaStanbic IBTC Bank



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1049, Ahmadu Bello Way, Abuja, Abuja Municipal Area Council, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 1 270 9676
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Latitude: 9.0340265, Longitude: 7.4982034

kommentar 5

  • Ruby Oni

    Ruby Oni


    Still prefer banking with them because of their app. Customer service Rep at Area 11 are very courteous(love those ladies). Area 3 customer service Reps are RUDE. Overall i think its a good bank.(Every bank has its own issues anyways)

  • Rima. JAURO

    Rima. JAURO


    Few branch across FCT Abuja

  • Sunday Ayotunde

    Sunday Ayotunde


    Good bank with spacious parking lot. Excellent customer experience. One stop shop as pension matters are also handled here. Staff training facilities available too.

  • Usman Hassan Jimba

    Usman Hassan Jimba


    It's ok

  • bassey edoho

    bassey edoho


    The branch seems organized and well structured. Everyone is being as helpful as they can be. Enquiry section gave me all the information I need. Filled a form for temporary access to my pension and was attended to in very good time. Process was not difficult and the attendant took her the to explain what was required as well as advising on the best way to go about it. The interior is relaxing, not noisy and not crowded. Getting parking was a bit of challenge but it worked. Wheelchair accessibility isn't that top notch.

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