Sabo-Yaba Roundabout i Lagos

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NigeriaSabo-Yaba Roundabout



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Commercial Avenue, Lagos, Lagos Mainland, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234
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Latitude: 6.5061254, Longitude: 3.3774168

kommentar 5

  • Luther Agbonyegbeni Agaga

    Luther Agbonyegbeni Agaga


    Hmmmm. OK.

  • Ahmed Ademola Olugbile

    Ahmed Ademola Olugbile


    The roundabout is located on Commercial Avenue by the right after the pedestrian bridge coming from Yaba which leads to Murtala Muhammed Way and has a school, banks, filling stations and other buildings surrounding it. It's by Sabo bustop and has traffic officers and policemen controlling the heavy traffic usually caused by commercial buses and tricycles at the place.

  • Olufeyisayo Sofolahan Soewu

    Olufeyisayo Sofolahan Soewu


    Without a doubt, this point is one of the town's main traffic stops. The commercial buses and motorcycles make it a traffic hotspot as they can be unruly most times. In addition, the roads around here are quite narrow, further compounding traffic at both on and off peak periods. However, the fast-paced hustle that characterises 'here' is what makes Sabo tick.

  • Funke Shode

    Funke Shode


    You can commercial bus plying almost Lagos routes. Nice shops around. Well prepared groundnuts available, frùits.. local market for foodstuffs




    It is along the famous Herbert Macaulay way with few statues hanging at various spots which makes the roundabout clumsy. The whole space looks tights and that is because of the shops hanging around and the indiscreminate parking of buses just anywhere causing traffic at times.

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