Regina Caeli Hospital Awka i Awka

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NigeriaRegina Caeli Hospital Awka



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Regina Caeli Road, Awka, Awka South, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 810 841 4849
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Latitude: 6.2233317, Longitude: 7.074042

kommentar 5

  • Nwachukwu Nnabugwu

    Nwachukwu Nnabugwu


    A hospital owned and managed by the Catholic diocese of Awka. Offers good health services and have got one of the best maternity homes in Awka

  • Tina Oliseh

    Tina Oliseh


    Its a very calm and nice environment,the hospital is moderately equipped and they run different tests too.

  • Evaristus Wilson

    Evaristus Wilson


    One of the private hospital where their services are cheap and their working performance is highly rated

  • Nkiruka Okeke

    Nkiruka Okeke


    It Catholic hospital located in the city of Awka,Nigeria. Opposite st Patrick cathedral church,very big hospital with 24hours steady electricity. Doctors and nurses ever ready to attend to your needs. Their having mortuary and lot inside, just no that your sickness is their concerns.

  • Josemaria Nriagu

    Josemaria Nriagu


    My review will be based on 3 aspects: #Environment; The hospital has a fairly large environment beautified with shrubs and hedges. It's always kept clean for the duration of my visit. Rating: 5/5 #Hospital Practice and Customer Service; The sluggish service here will probably put you off. Takes ages for them to create, find and move files. Plus poorly trained staff. Most times you will be required to go find your file. In a nutshell, there is no inter-communication between departments. Rating: 2/5 #Medical staff Satisfaction; As perceived from interaction with medical workers, one may rightly conclude that their lackadaisical attitude might stem from poor management. This is not good and may affect how they treat patients. Rating: 3/5 P.S.: An old male nurse, couldn't properly fix drip on my arm. Owing to his wreckless practice, the area just kept swelling, till of course, I threatened. Plus a lot of other undesirable experiences. Notwithstanding, there are still some good nurses and doctors there. Just be astute enough to find them and don't fall for the whack ones! Base note: A lot has to be done to up the standard of this 15 year old hospital owned by an organization as big as the church.

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