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Shop L21 Jabi Lake Mall, Plot 1265A, Jabi District, Jabi, Abuja, Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 814 653 7293
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Latitude: 9.0768211, Longitude: 7.4256726

kommentar 5

  • Bukky Wonder

    Bukky Wonder


    My Favourite jewellery store!!!! 😙 😍 Thier products include necklaces, bracelets & charms, rings and earrings. All the products are skin friendly, nickel-free and doesn't tarnish. The quality jewellery is affordable, luxurious and unique. There is always a unique product for every occasion you're celebrating and you're sure to get a warm and excellent customer service from the wonderful sales executives. DO shop Pandora today & always.. 😊

  • Mr. Lens Godson

    Mr. Lens Godson


    Pandora is a very large jewelry shop located on the ground floor of the Jabi shopping mall. It is the perfect shop to get all your designer jewelries. They sell assorted ear rings, classic wrist watches, designer rings, bangles, necklaces, and everything here is very sleek and neat and original. It is an awesome experience in a whole. The staff are there to guide you in making your choices. They are however on the relatively high side so I encourage you to make your budget well or just come with enough to spend. It is very easy to locate

  • owolabi olubukola

    owolabi olubukola


    Pandora is the perfect place to shop for that beautiful and unique jewelry for yourself and your loved ones. The Sales executives are very friendly and professional too!

  • Itopa Umaru

    Itopa Umaru


    Store is simple, bright, neat and beautiful. Jewelry are unique and exquisitely crafted. Staff are very courteous, friendly and professional. Props.

  • en

    Colour Porchiz


    Beautiful piece of jewelry that has a story to tell on every charm for every moment celebrated. I have always loved their bracelet and charms. Storytelling it is!

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