Nisa Premier Hospital i Abuja

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaNisa Premier Hospital



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15/21 Alex Ekwueme Way, Jabi, Abuja, Nigeria, Jabi 900211, Abuja, Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 817 420 9999
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.0676555, Longitude: 7.4115661

kommentar 5

  • en

    adamu isa


    Has grown over the years to be one of the centers of excellence in health care delivery. Has specialized clinics with full compliments of consultant DR's. Their specialty is on females and reproductive fact the name Nisa means FEMALES. Adequate parking and security with standby Generators. Also has complimentary facilities like a restaurant etc.

  • en

    Ganiyat Atere


    It's an OK hospital but their immunization clinic is great, the hospital is big and have so many specializations ranging from pediatrics to gynea, overall it's an okay hospital, can be better Thou, it's also very easy to locate especially because of its unique white and blue structure that is really hard to miss

  • amarachi ottah

    amarachi ottah


    The doctors and nurses who attended to us were pleasant. Good environment too, and the facilities are okay.

  • en

    Og Chidel


    A good facility with experienced staff and serene environment

  • Omam Oman

    Omam Oman


    An amazing experience. Did my summer Medical practice there and i enjoyed it. The staff are like one family and the Doctors & Nurses carried me along and taught me really well. The patients were also treated and managed well. Next time i am in Nigeria, will definitely go there again.

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