NCCF Family House i Sokoto

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaNCCF Family House


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Tambuwal-Gadaichi-Gummi Road, Sokoto, Dange-Shuni, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 806 566 7960
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Latitude: 13.0042644, Longitude: 5.2507769

kommentar 5

  • Tobiloba Joseph abayomi

    Tobiloba Joseph abayomi


    A home for all where every one live in unity and help in building each other up.

  • james igoh

    james igoh


    There is only one culture I enjoy at NCCF family house. Boys don't visit or enter the girls rooms and the reverse with the boys even at the NCCF indecent dressing not permitted within that sustainable parameters. This is Worthy of emulation. Weldon and keep up the good deed.

  • urenyang theophilus nyangkun

    urenyang theophilus nyangkun


    Its a Happy healthy Family indeed, you need to be there to experience it, a place of total emancipation.

  • Micheal Nwadobu

    Micheal Nwadobu


    Loved the family house and it's habitants... Hospitable and cool persons

  • Judinho



    They are a wonderful Non denominational (Family) Church. As a Christian Corp member. It's the most wonderful family to identify with. With Lodges scattered across the state to help accommodate Corp members till they finally gets a Permanent Resident.

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