Midway Restaurant i Kaduna

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaMidway Restaurant


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2, Ali Akilu Road, Kaduna, Kaduna North, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 907 064 5475
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Latitude: 10.5451304, Longitude: 7.4393454

kommentar 5

  • en

    Pablo Okwukogu


    I loved the Chapman drink served at Midway

  • Lawrence Ademu

    Lawrence Ademu


    Friendly service. The Chapman is on point!

  • Habiba Ali

    Habiba Ali


    Awesome pizza

  • Joy Ajuluchukwu

    Joy Ajuluchukwu


    Great setting and amazing pizza. You could spend a while there and not realised how much time has been spent. The toilets could have been cleaner though.

  • Mimi Akuse

    Mimi Akuse


    I believe the name has changed to 'Medview Cafe' but no one seems to recognize that. It has two parts, the restaurant and the bakery. The restaurant, it is alright, a bit pricey for the quality of food they serve in my opinion. I never ever order a meat dish anymore because their meat is ALWAYS rock hard. But their chicken dishes are quite nice to be honest, I especially like the chicken escalope. Their pizza - I would rather not, it seems no matter what you order, they always give you the same thing! And their chicken pizza had bones in it... a no no. Their bakery is quite nice, the cakes all taste pretty much the same but they are nice and soft and their french bread is nice as well. They have a nice variety of seating options, normal dining seating, couches with coffee tables, and covered outdoor seating. Their desserts are not bad as well.

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