Hotel De Bently i Abuja

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaHotel De Bently


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892, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Abuja, Municipal Area Coun, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 803 770 9249
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.06072, Longitude: 7.444905

kommentar 5

  • en

    Fisayo Sarah


    The stay here was unpleasant. Ranging from the food to the room service. They have a terrible chef who not only spend hours to cook the food but the food taste awful. The sheets and towels are brown, the bathroom looks like something they never wash. I was traumatized staying here. PS: if you have any kind of allergy never come here.

  • en

    Joy Ibezim


    Very good hotel. The management is on top of their games. The staff are very friendly and willing to help. I will recommend

  • en

    Ofunmi AdeD


    Only went to the pool side and it was fun. The pool is clean and the lifeguard was on hand through out our stay. He even spent time training the kids for a bit. There were floaters so the kids had serious fun. Theres a bar closeby and you can get snacks and drinks. A lovely place. Will definitely be visiting again

  • Adikwu Alechenu

    Adikwu Alechenu


    I haven't been in the rooms yet, just stopped at the pool bar, which I love. Today was their first live music night, courtesy of the Easter. the barbecue fish stands out, they also serve shawarma, chips, barbecues chicken thighs and gizzards on a stick.

  • Jafaru Jr. Egieya

    Jafaru Jr. Egieya


    Just used the swimming pool facilities. I had a really good time since I had the whole pool to my self. They had good service in a well located area

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