HIllside Estate Works and Housing i Abuja

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NigeriaHIllside Estate Works and Housing


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King Jaja Street, Abuja, Municipal Area Coun, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234
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Latitude: 9.0987227, Longitude: 7.4038089

kommentar 5

  • Nkenna Aneke

    Nkenna Aneke


    One of the most chill estates in Gwarimpa, it comes with the total housing package, schools, malls, worship centers, fully fenced, security and all that, not to mention, the nearby commodity market where food is super affordable, the estate has two gates, the popular name to refer to it is simply "works and housing".

  • Pohl Ron

    Pohl Ron


    Nothing spectacular. The usual estate setting you find elsewhere in Abuja. Roads are not bad, a few small potholes here and there. Electricity? Not superb. Waste disposal? Good. Drainage? Great. Security? Can't say.

  • en

    Bashir Ali Bako


    Each and every street have a street name sing board

  • Olawale Olapegba

    Olawale Olapegba


    The Hillside Estate lies beside the Gbagi hills of Gwarimpa Lifecamp in Abuja. I used to be a resident of this peaceful, quiet neighborhood. Residents have an association responsible for local security, road maintenance and utility upgrades. Grocery shops, supermarkets and small boutiques are in the estate and everyone is usually friendly. Bungalows, duplexes and mini flats are common apartment types there.

  • en

    Sulaiman Adamu Gurai


    Its a cool housing estate, quite and conducive atmosphere, but lacks a good access road.

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