High Court of the Federal Capital Territory i Abuja

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaHigh Court of the Federal Capital Territory


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Plot 426 Tigris Crescent Off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja, FCT, Wuse, Abuja, Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 816 364 6257
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Latitude: 9.0819394, Longitude: 7.4923262

kommentar 5

  • Simon Opara

    Simon Opara


    Quite a nice edifice

  • Ibraheem Dooba

    Ibraheem Dooba


    Elegant structure. I wish the users of the building had the same character.

  • Ruxton Adebiyi

    Ruxton Adebiyi


    Teeming with activities. Recommended for your legal issues

  • Rigan Rigan

    Rigan Rigan


    This the court for FCT. You mustn't be confused with the High Court HQ located at Central Business District.

  • Segun Omotola

    Segun Omotola


    It's OK because the environment is welcoming; clean and neat. However, I can't really say I like. It's just OK. The only problem is that, no judges are available to attend to signing of necessary forms in the morning. U have to go and come back in the afternoon. There should have been a provision for signing of necessary forms so that one will not go twice for a very small issue. Or, it should be clearly indicated that signing of forms by the judges is strictly scheduled for afternoon.

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