Genesis Deluxe Cinema i Warri

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaGenesis Deluxe Cinema


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Effurun Roundabout, Warri, Uvwie, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 817 131 5585
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Latitude: 5.5702793, Longitude: 5.7832138

kommentar 5

  • en

    Aghogho Okuma


    I've seen better , when will they get IMAX here ? 3d is the new trend move with the times genesis

  • Raymond Aigbovbiosa

    Raymond Aigbovbiosa


    It is a nice place. Well furnished with availability of 3d movies.

  • Dr Anthony Oseghale

    Dr Anthony Oseghale


    Very good indeed. Have different offers in discounts available on different days of the week. Multiple cinema rooms allows for many movies running at the same time.

  • Jam Galaxy

    Jam Galaxy


    You get to watch a lot of new mainstream movies, the location is nice, lots of different viewing times The pizza in my opinion is not that great but the popcorn is good. The air conditioner never seems to be working and I do go there often enough and it’s brrn like that for close to 6 months. Sometimes the volume isn’t as loud as you can sometimes hear things going on outside of the viewing room but luckily staff are very willing to help. Customer service is really good but it would be nice if they could hire more people at the food counter and have more than one ticket machine, the place gets really packed during busy times. Another thing is the genesis website is okay but I find that I can’t really depend on the information posted there in regards to the time and new movies that are supposed to be out on the day I checking their website. In regards to the time I find that it doesn’t match up with the viewing time at the cinema, so I have to go all the way there to find out viewing times.

  • Fegor Osiobe

    Fegor Osiobe


    They could do better about their soundings.. Surround sound is always key to a captivating movie experience.. And the screens should be tilted downwards a bit to aid the front row seats a better experience. Good place but there's always room for improvement and I hope I could help a bit with that.

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