Federal Road Safety Corps National Headquarters i Abuja

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaFederal Road Safety Corps National Headquarters


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4, Maputo Street, Abuja, Municipal Area Coun, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 700 2255 3772
internet side: www.frsc.gov.ng
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 9.0591544, Longitude: 7.4686865

kommentar 5

  • Gideon Smart

    Gideon Smart


    I hope the safety officers can do more for the safety of citizens.

  • en

    Blessing Onigbinde


    Is my place of living

  • Abraham Idokoko Abraham

    Abraham Idokoko Abraham


    With their official vehicles burning on the roads because they don't carry fire extinguishers, to some other seen overloaded on the highways, one wonder what exactly this organization is all about. Because they don't seem to practice what they hold other citizens responsible for. FRSC officers are some of the most annoying government officials you will meet on Nigerian highways. They do everything but their primary role of enforcing safety on our roads. Many a times, they are the direct cause of accidents on the highway. However, this organization does a good job at trying to rescue victims of road mishap. At other times, they help manage traffic gridlock on federal roads.

  • en



    FRSC needs to provide another number for complains and suggestions online to prevent an emergency not just an emergency toll free line.

  • en

    felix asan


    It is the national headquarters of the federal road safety corps Nigeria.necessary information needed can be verified here

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