Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo i Abuja

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaEmbassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo



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5 Malabo Street, Off Aminu Kano Crescent, The Republic of Congo Embassy Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo Embassy Nigeria, Wuse 900288, Abuja, Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 903 443 5708
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 9.0821988, Longitude: 7.4691219

kommentar 3

  • Thomas Varghese

    Thomas Varghese


    Beware of people who pretend as an official of the RDC embassy in Nigeria and cheat people . It is recommended to contact the RDC embassy of Nigeria directly in Abuja

  • christrong kuyena

    christrong kuyena


    The Republic Democratic of Congo is the place to go NATURAL TOURISM

  • Olalekan Olujinmi

    Olalekan Olujinmi


    RE: Happy 56th Independence Day to the wonderful people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo I wanted to kindly reach out and wish all the wonderful people of The Democratic Republic of the Congo in the Diaspora and at home a happy 56th Independence Day. Happy 2016 and beyond. I hope you will have many happy returns of your very special day. The Democratic Republic of the Congo’s coming success will be your best salvation. A Very Happy Independence Day to all the Fantastic Majestic People of The Democratic Republic of the Congo. I tend to always say, 'It cost nothing to remember others'! I Pray that all the great People of The Democratic Republic of the Congo, stay blessed, it’s the only way to keep obtaining your true blessings. By the Grace of the Majestic God of Colour. The best ornament is Humility. The richest wealth is Wisdom. The strongest weapon is Patience. The best security is Faith. The best tonic is Laughter’. Keep on Smiling The Democratic Republic of the Congo. I will be looking forward to having The Democratic Republic of the Congo’s outstanding Tourism Brands, Investment, Education and other national events & festivals linked with our future promotional projects and profiling what your location stands for.

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