Dikim Rock Garden i Jos

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaDikim Rock Garden



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Mountain Green Street, Jos, Jos North, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 706 777 8551
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Latitude: 9.8889429, Longitude: 8.8682903

kommentar 5

  • Mafeng Datong

    Mafeng Datong


    Good place for hangouts. Finished fine and having a wonderful kitchen.

  • Afekhide Gbadamosi

    Afekhide Gbadamosi


    Their service is good and music too. Just maybe a little more work

  • rahab bature

    rahab bature


    The atmosphere was good, the food; the chips was well fried not oily, goat was tasty and well spiced and it came on time, the chef Sophia came to our table and was pleasant. However the waitress was unfriendly, left our drinks unopened dropped the opener and left us to open our drinks. Also we witness a fight between a couple on the lawn the man smatched the lady's hand set. However we hope to be back.

  • stephen williams

    stephen williams


    Wow... This place is damn nice. The environment is good, it's really a rock garden. Their drinks is affordable, though they have slightly increase the price of their drinks, I guess its because of the number of people coming here. I really like this place. Visit Dekims and you will know what am talking about.

  • Okechukwu Okeke

    Okechukwu Okeke


    Nice serene place with gentle music in the background. Good place to head to if you need a place without loud music to trouble you.

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