Canada World Event Centre i Benin City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaCanada World Event Centre



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45, Country Home Road, 234001, Benin City, Oredo, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 705 984 4751
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Latitude: 6.2733339, Longitude: 5.6183769

kommentar 5

  • Ifeanyi Dafe

    Ifeanyi Dafe


    A good place to have some peace of mind

  • igbeh akaoluchukwu friday

    igbeh akaoluchukwu friday


    Hotel, event centre and a fully equipped gym for all work out activities

  • Zackyicy



    I love this place. Their car park is large and their service is very fast. Again they have enough space that could accommodate a large crowd. The gym house is an eye saw.

  • Fredrick Elee

    Fredrick Elee


    Their customer services is very poor if you want to order food, you have to walk down to the kitchen yourself. My friend and I and my wife was served food that’s being cooked more than 3days. The rice was gumming the plate and spoon we wouldn’t eat even 1 single spoon from the food. You can imagine they sell a plate of rice with Beef N3,200 then Rice and Turkey is N2,500. We were forced to pay almost N10,000 from the food we wouldn’t eat. I don’t advise anyone to go there

  • Uyiguosa Omoruyi

    Uyiguosa Omoruyi


    Large event hall,great gym center,cool hangout spot and spacious parking area

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