Blue Water i Ibadan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaBlue Water



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Iwo Road, Ibadan, Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234
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Latitude: 7.4089878, Longitude: 3.944132

kommentar 5

  • Oladele Temitope

    Oladele Temitope


    Blue water is a MOTEL, Not graded but you can spend some time with your folks, and enjoy both alcoholic and non alcoholic kind of drink depending on your own choice, you can also eat pepper soup cooked with Catfish, Assorted Beef or Goat meat, ** catfish Barbecue section is fantastic, my choice anyways** there are rooms to sleep but at your own volition you are likely not going to enjoy a night, most people use the room only for sexual activities which usually last few hours during the day, by and large... You can enjoy your time here... Another part I must let you know... You can get your cars washed there too at a very affordable price or free if you pass a night there.

  • Gigeadek Adekola

    Gigeadek Adekola


    Working in there

  • Obideyi Olayinka

    Obideyi Olayinka


    Because is beautiful

  • Soul mate

    Soul mate


    Is a place where people drink, but the environment is dark and quiet at night

  • adesina adelekan

    adesina adelekan



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