Ace Supermarket i Ilorin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaAce Supermarket



🕗 åbningstider

Unity Road, Ilorin, Ilorin East, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 8.480903, Longitude: 4.5578134

kommentar 5

  • favorite cakes and foodies Ogundele

    favorite cakes and foodies Ogundele


    Ace supermarket stocks everything you need, the staff are very welcoming and delivers prompt service, their prices are affordable. Their buttercream cakes are very yummy and melt in the mouth

  • Emmanuel Frank Okorie

    Emmanuel Frank Okorie


    Located along unity road in Ilorin, this mall stocks most of the good things of life, ranging from food, drinks, groceries, vegetables, fruits, perfumes, cosmetics etc. This is a well-arranged departmental store that caters for the need of both the rich, the middle class and the poor. Prices are moderate in line with market forces, products are original and durability is assured since most are sourced directly from the manufacturers. Good mall!

  • Ahmed Ramla

    Ahmed Ramla


    Their customer service is good I'm planning on visiting their lounge soon. I hope it is as good as their supermarket

  • Oluwole Awoyomi

    Oluwole Awoyomi


    Good staffers that are eager to assist when needed

  • Dabarone Jihday

    Dabarone Jihday


    Very organised, conducive environment. Affordable prices.

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