Fidelity Bank Plc i Abuja

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaFidelity Bank Plc



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1st Avenue, Abuja, Abuja Municipal Area Council, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 1 448 5252
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.1075696, Longitude: 7.4170519

kommentar 5

  • Sagir



    Good banking services. The banking hall is not too big. Nice car parking space.

  • Gt J

    Gt J


    Good bank but they hold your 1000 naira which I don't understand and I don't like

  • Samuel Peace

    Samuel Peace


    Had to visit the bank twice within the week and their customer service desk was quite helpful and very responsive. However it is located at a "T" junction just beside a traffic light which makes driving in and out of the bank quite tricky. They might want to talk to their security personnel to make conscious effort to help drivers exiting the bank especially from the external parking lot. I've been banking with fidelity for a couple of years now and will honestly say there have been a marked improvement in their services.

  • Ikechukwu Bright

    Ikechukwu Bright


    This branch has proven to be one of the most reliable branch within the neighbourhood. I was able to carryout my transactions seamlessly. Their customer service is exceptional and they are always at your service. I have always relied on them for a quick bank transactions.

  • Samson



    Their service was good. The staffs were helpful within some few minutes I was able to carry out my transactions. The ATM machine too always have cash stoked in them and they are always up and running 24 hours.

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