Magicland Abuja i Abuja

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NigeriaMagicland Abuja


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Constitution Avenue, Abuja, Municipal Area Coun, NG Nigeria
kontakter telefon: +234 909 977 7881
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Latitude: 9.0415941, Longitude: 7.450724

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mowarin Emmanuel


    Well sincerely I had more fun because I came with my family. But Magicland is a fun place.

  • Siddeeq Yunus

    Siddeeq Yunus


    Magicland is a good place for family and friends outing. It's well arranged and has enough restrooms 🚻 for gents and ladies. It's fun and exciting. It also have an arcade park where you sit on arcade hot seats and play. The arcade is featured with single player and duel. Also tennis and basketball shots available in the arcade. There is also a cafe in the arcade. It's really a fun place to be. See you there.

  • Sheriff Oyeleke

    Sheriff Oyeleke


    It's pretty old and the rides are outdated, and some do look like they need a touch up but you quickly forget because somehow you end up having a pretty good time with the more exhilarating rides and the arcade. A little update with new rides and/or attractions will really elevate the place.

  • en

    Chinedu Ekenma


    Nice place to hang out if you like adventure. The rides are thrilling and safe too. Perfect for the kids and adults as well.

  • Busayo Obisesan

    Busayo Obisesan


    Although the park is themed for kids, it's an awesome place for family to unwind. Young adults will love it too especially lovers looking to add a little spice to their relationships. I totally enjoyed the double date I was on with my girlfriend's brother and his girlfriend. Totally awesome pin on my map!

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